Wednesday, July 18, 2012

‘Bring Home Good Vastu’ Seminar at Timbor Skillvarsity

Remove Clutter, Balance positive and negative energy says Dr. Amaresh Mehta during seminar on Vastu at Timbor Skillvarsity

TimborSkillvarsity organised a seminar, ‘Bring Home Good Vastu’ on the 8th of July, 2012. The seminar was held at the Timbor Home showroom with almost 100 attendees. Dr. Amaresh Mehta, the speaker, started off with an interesting thought. There are many individuals that change their doors, add walls, remove rooms, etc. according to vastu principles. But, explained Dr. Mehta, changing or moving things around cannot change what is meant to be. A person with a bathroom in the North East direction (not supposed to be good) will die one day, as will a person with a bathroom in another direction. The most important thing is balance. One does not need to renovate or refurbish an entire home – just use certain measures to balance out the positive and the negative energies.

Dr. Mehta spoke at length upon energy dynamics and the importance of de-cluttering. De-clutter your home and your mind! Many of us clean our entire house during Diwali or such festive occasions, but the waste is usually just hidden away in the attic. We should try and get rid of such clutter. While doing so, if one has elderly people or infants in the house; the clutter should be removed gradually as opposed to in one go since they are more in tune with energy and thus a sudden removal of clutter bringing in good energy could cause them disturbance. Case in point being be people that are used to drinking normal water, when exposed to purified water could get diarrhoea.

A small demonstration wherein a participants Chakras were checked with a machine had the audience entranced. Dr. Mehta even showed how, with chanting specific words, one could change the colour of that respective Chakra, albeit for a temporary period.

Many of the participants felt the seminar ended too soon and had innumerable questions. The discussion session was enlightening with some interesting points highlighted:
  •  It is advised not to sleep with one’s head in the North. One would tend to sleep uneasily or wake up tired. The reason behind this can be related to magnets. A north and a north do not attract. Similarly, our head can be considered the North and when in the direction of the North, our body tends to work overtime. Instead of using the sleeping hours to rejuvenate, the body works on harmonizing internals.
  • If one enters a house, and the dining table can be visible from the entrance – that indicates that one shall always have too many mouths to feed.
  • A staircase right at the entrance of a home or office is not advisable as it takes all the energy out of the area. One can try and put two vases at the foot of the staircase or place wind-chimes above so as to stop the energy from going out of the space.
  • It is not suggested to keep clocks/watches that do not work. This indicates stagnation in one’s life. Even if unused, watches need to have their batteries checked and should be working.
  • An ideal wall clock would be one with a pendulum since the constant movement of the pendulum circulates energy in the house/office.
  • Newly married couples should not have a bedroom above the kitchen. Neither should young adults – this can cause aggression.
  • For those with Asthma, Plaster of Paris (POP) ceilings should be avoided – wood is one of the best options.
  • The kitchen the most important part of the house and if one feels that there is strife or difficulty – keeping the kitchen clean and without clutter will improve things.
  • While sleeping, laptops and mobile phones should not be near the bed. Avoid using the mobile as an alarm. If the phone/electronic needs to be charged, it should be done on a table that is not touching the bed.

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