Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Bedroom must have's for Teenagers

Adolescence is a trying time - for both parents and their teenagers. On the verge of adulthood, this is the time when teenagers; whether boys or girls, need their space and a subconsciously searching for their individuality. While getting your teenagers bedroom decor and furniture - the most important thing is to include them in the whole plan. A few tips:

Whether one has a separate study room or not - a teenager's room must have a study desk - even if no studying goes on - it will be a place to store their favourite books, magazines, etc. and hopefully serve as a table instead of eating on the bed with the places placed under the bed!!

Engage your teen while selecting decor and colour options, furniture, furnishings, etc. - but don't go overboard. So many of us have had those years where we wanted to paint our walls black or blood red, get multiple piercings and what not. Keep the shades light on the walls - compromise - leave one wall blank for graffiti, the preferred colour. You could even opt for wallpaper on one wall.

In terms of false ceilings, try not to go for plaster-of-paris (POP) ceilings, this is especially bad for those suffering from Asthma. Wood ceilings are the best options.

A soft board is a definite must have for the bedroom. Allows your teenager to put up photographs, notes, and what not.

Try not to go for white furnishings - printed, solid and bright colours with textured accessories are attractive and inviting.

A teenager's room is also a place where they entertain and spend most of their time - a bean bag or two creates a casual and social vibe. If space allows, a plush sofa or even a sofa-cum-bed would be ideal for sleepovers and last minute cramming sessions.

Music plays a great role in a teenagers life - the study table would also probably play host to the speakers.

A night lamp on a corner table is a good addition.

Having wall shelves and cabinets helps a lot as atleast all the oh-so-important stuff can be stored away without creating a mess in the room.

A small potted plant in the bedroom, placed near the window is another option for those without pets. It's a wonderful feeling to see green shoots appear, a flower bloom and in a way is a lesson in responsibility too - if you don't water your plant, it dies, but nurture it with love and you shall be rewarded.

Overall, a teenagers bedroom should not be too complicated. Favourites become hated in an instant and vice  versa. Allow for growth and include storage options. The bedroom will grow and evolve alongwith your young adult.

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